Pizzas in Unlike Fractions, with Guidelines
Cut and paste to add the unlike fractions and make the pizzas (guideline for support).
Mixed Division Race Set
Race to complete the divisions.
Start, Finish & Duration, 30-Min Intervals (1)
Answer questions about elapsed times to complete the table (times to 30-minute intervals).
Symmetrical Drawing: Ladybug
Use the grid to help complete the picture.
Circle Coins to Pay for Items, Aust. (1)
Circle the exact coins to pay for each item.
Complete Symmetrical Pictures, Grids (2)
Complete each of the symmetrical shapes using the grids to help.
Symmetry Boxes Set: Monsters
Use symmetry to complete the pictures of different monsters.
Multiplication as Repeated Add
Identify repeated addition within the models of multiplication.
City Map 2
A simple map to support the teaching of mapping, location and directional language.
Odd & Even Mystery Picture
Reveal the mystery picture with this odd and even colour by number.
Symmetrical Drawing: Elf
Use the grid to help complete the picture.
Comparing 2-Digit Numbers (1)
Use the ‘greater than’ and ‘less than’ symbols to compare 2-digit numbers.