Shops Directions (N,E,S,W)
Use cardinal directions (north, east, south, west) to describe the direction of shops in a shopping centre.
Multiplication Colour by Number: Dancing
Solve the multiplication sums to find the colours to complete the picture.
Race to 8000 Game
A game in which players use their knowledge of number. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Adding & Subtracting Time, 5-Min Intervals
Read the times. Add or subtract the elapsed times and write the new times in analogue and digital (times to 5-minute intervals).
Teen Number Match Up Activity (Self-Checking)
Match different representations of the teen numbers. Cards are self-checking. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Complete the Symmetrical Shapes (1)
Use the symmetry line to complete the missing part of each shape.
4-Digit Word Problems: Subtraction (2)
A set of 4-digit subtraction word problems.
Represent Improper Fractions: Quarters
Represent each given fraction in different ways.
Chance Spinner Experiment (2)
Conduct a chance experiment using a spinner and answer questions about likelihood.
1-Digit Word Problems: Addition (3)
A set of 1-digit addition word problems.
Fractions of Collections: Naming
Name (symbols and words) the fractions shown by fraction models.
Earlier & Later, 15-Min Intervals
Add on the elapsed times and write the new times in digital (times to 15-minute intervals).