Sequences with Decimals
Work with decimal number patterns to follow and identify pattern rules.
Comparing Capacity
Circle the object in each pair that has the greatest capacity.
Identifying Odd & Even
Work out whether the numbers are odd or even.
8s Counting Pattern Cards
Arrange the set of cards in the order of the 8s counting pattern. Self-checking images included. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Fractions Match Activity (1)
Match the different representations of fractions. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Capacity: Labelled 500mL Increments
Read the scale and record the capacity of each container.
Vertically Opposite Angles (1)
Use knowledge of vertically opposite angles to work out the missing angles.
Fact Families: Missing Factor (2)
Work out the missing factor in each fact family triangle and then write then matching equations.
Which is Heavier?
Identify the heaviest objects in each set.
Vertical Rainbow Facts: Subtraction
A set of rainbow fact and near rainbow fact subtraction sums in a vertical format.
3-Digit Numbers: Digits, Words & MABs (2)
3-digit numbers are shown in MAB blocks. Write them in words and digits.
Probability Match: Will, Won’t, Might
Cut and paste events to match the terms ‘will happen’, ‘won’t happen’, ‘might happen’.