Fractions & Decimals, Hundredths (2)
Write and represent fractions and decimals.
Counting Back Change Cards
Learn to calculate change by the ‘count back’ strategy.
x3 Tables Fact Families
Complete the fact family triangles and write the matching equations.
Calculate Probability as a Fraction
Calculate the probability of each event as a fraction.
Angles Student Reference Card
A reference card showing the different types of angles.
3-Digit Word Problems: Addition (3)
A set of 3-digit addition word problems.
Read Analogue Scales: Grams
Read each of the analogue scales and record the weight shown (grams).
Using Balance Scales
Use balance scales to compare the weight of pairs of objects. Record the results on the sheet 1kg.
Convert Between ml & L (1)
Record the volume of water in each container in millilitres and litres.
Place Value Robots: 2-Digit Numbers
2-digit numbers have been represented by MABs. Write down the numbers.
Complete Symmetrical Pictures (2)
Complete each of the symmetrical shapes.
Interpret Data: Movies (1)
Read and interpret the data from the pictograph to answer the questions (early years).