Months Word Jumble
Unjumble the letters to spell the months of the year.
Which is Heavier?
Identify the heaviest objects in each set.
Symmetry Boxes Set: Fruit
Use symmetry to complete the pictures of different fruits.
Properties of 3D Shapes Sort
Cut and paste to match up 3D shapes with their names and features.
Adding Fractions: Pizzas
Add the (like) fractions of eaten pizza.
3D Shape Student Reference Card
A reference card showing the names of 3D shapes.
Reading & Graphing Data: Ice Cream
Record the data from the table on the graph.
Money Word Problems: Dollars & Cents (1)
A set of money word problems (amounts include dollars and cents).
Fractions of Collections: Naming
Name (symbols and words) the fractions shown by fraction models.
2-Digit Vertical Subtraction, Borrowing (1)
A set of 2-digit vertical subtraction sums with borrowing.
Decimals & Fractions Match Activity
Match the fraction and decimal representations. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Time Match, 5-Min Intervals
Cut and paste the matching times (times to 5-minute intervals).