City Map (Simple)
A simple city map with a key designed to support the teaching of mapping skills, location identification, and directional language.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify and describe locations on a city map using street names, landmarks, and directional language.
- Plan and follow routes between locations on a map using specific directions.
- Enhance map-reading skills through activities like treasure hunts and direction-following exercises.
- Use directional language accurately, including terms like "along," "turn left," "between," "on the left," and "towards."
How the Activity Works:
This simple city map can be used in a variety of ways to build map-reading and directional skills. Students will practise identifying locations and using directional language to describe where things are. For example, they might use the map to:
- Describe the location of different places on the map, such as "The playground is along Park Street, beside the school, and the hospital is on Hill Street, across from the café."
- Plan a route from one location to another using directional language, like "Start at Natalie’s house, walk along Peter Streettowards the school, then turn left onto Gull Road."
- Complete a treasure hunt by following written clues based on directional terms, for instance, "Walk along Main Road, then turn left at the gas station and head towards Park Street."
- Use the map for a "Where am I?" activity, where students give and follow clues like "The hospital is on your left, and the café is on your right" to describe and guess locations.
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