Symmetrical Drawing: Star
Use the grid to help complete the picture.
Link Mixed Numbers & Improper Fractions (1)
Represent the fraction models as improper fractions and mixed numbers and then find them on number lines.
Write Digital Times, Quarter Past/To (1)
Write the times on the digital clocks to match the times shown on the analogue clocks (quarter hour times).
Colour Patterns (2)
Complete the colour patterns.
Reading a Thermometer 3 (Sub Zero)
Read and represent temperatures on thermometers (sub zero temperatures).
Abacus 4-Digit Numbers (3)
Represent 4-digit numbers using abacus models.
Estimating 1L
Estimate whether the capacity of different items would be less than, equal to, or greater than 1 litre.
Combinations of Australian Coins Display
A set of posters showing common coin combinations.
Follow Cardinal & Ordinal Directions, Grid Ref
Use cardinal and ordinal directions to follow the path of each animal and use grid reference to describe their new locations.
Chance Spinner Experiment (1)
Conduct a chance experiment using a spinner and answer questions about likelihood.
2-Digit Word Problems: Addition (2)
A set of 2-digit addition word problems.
Representing 2-Digit Numbers (1)
Represent the given numbers in different ways.