Follow Cardinal & Ordinal Directions, Grid Ref
Use cardinal and ordinal directions to follow the path of each animal and use grid reference to describe their new locations.
Number Line Subtraction (2)
Use the number lines to ‘count back’ and solve the subtraction sums.
Folding Booklet: Number 8
Fold into a booklet and complete the activities all about the number 8.
Recording on a Thermometer (1)
Record the given temperatures on the thermometers.
8s Counting Pattern Cards
Arrange the set of cards in the order of the 8s counting pattern. Self-checking images included. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
2s Grid Maze
Find the secret path from start to finish by following the 2s counting pattern.
Collect & Present Data: Toys
Use the picture to record data in a table and then present the data in a bar graph.
0-99 Board Colour Display
A colourful hundred board starting at 0.
Reading a Thermometer (2)
Read and represent temperatures on thermometers.
Adding & Subtracting Like Fractions Problems (2)
Word problems involving adding and subtracting like fractions.
1-Digit by 2-Digit Multiplication (2)
A set of 1-digit by 2-digit vertical multiplications.
Counting Pattern Puzzles
Arrange the puzzle pieces to complete the number patterns.