2-Digit Vertical Addition, Regroup (3)
A set of 2-digit vertical addition sums with regrouping.
Count, Add & Write an Equation
Count and add the objects and then write the equation below.
2D Shape Animal Challenge
A 2D shapes challenge
Lolly Probability (1)
Draw lollies in jars to match the chance statements (using the terms ‘will happen’, ‘won’t happen’ and ‘might happen’).
Complete Symmetrical Pictures, Grids (1)
Complete each of the symmetrical shapes using the grids to help.
3-Digit Numbers: Digits, Words & MABs (3)
3-digit numbers are written in words. Represent them in digits and MAB blocks.
Multiplication Puzzle Set 1
Cut and paste to match the representations of multiplication.
Odd & Even Hundred Board
A colourful hundred board showing odd and even numbers.
7s Grid Maze
Find the secret path from start to finish by following the 7s counting pattern.
Labelled Fraction Wall: Style 2 (Simple)
A fraction wall showing halves, thirds, quarters, eighths and tenths.
Addition Colour By Number: Bird
Solve the addition sums and then colour to complete the picture.
Using Balance Scales
Use balance scales to compare the weight of pairs of objects. Record the results on the sheet 1kg.