Representing Times, O’clock & Half Past (1)
Read the times in words and represent them in analogue and digital forms (o’clock and half paste times).
Transformation Display Poster: Translation
Shapes can be transformed in different ways. This poster explains ‘translation’.
Multiplication & Division Word Problems (1)
A set of multiplication and division word problems using facts up to 12x12.
Division Flash Cards
A set of multiplication flash cards (÷1 to ÷12).
Games Store: Apply Discounts
Calculate and apply the discounts to work out the new prices of items in a games store.
Write Digital Times, Quarter Past/To (2)
Write the times on the digital clocks to match the times shown on the analogue clocks (quarter hour times).
Names of 2D Shapes Sort
Cut and paste to match up each 2D shape to its name.
Fraction Puzzle Match Up (Non-Unit Fractions)
Cut and paste to match the representations of non-unit fractions.
Mixed Operation Word Problems (4)
A set of word problems for the upper years involving a mix of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Number Puzzles 5-9
Cut and paste to match the different representations of the numbers 5 to 9.
Capacity: Labelled 100mL Increments (2)
Read the scale and record the capacity of each container.
10s Counting Sequence Set
A set of three worksheets (forwards, backwards and mixed) focused on counting in 10s.