Add in Missing Full Stops
A worksheet to help introduce the use of full stops to end sentences.
‘The Playground’ Grammar & Comprehension
A level 1 reading passage, comprehension and grammar set.
Cause & Effect Graphic Organiser
This graphic organiser helps represent cause and effect relationships. Effect: what happened? Cause: What made it happen?
bl- cl- fl- Blend Build a Word
This worksheet focuses on similar sounding letters/blends. Line up the correct blend to the word ending.
Fruit Salad: Recipe Writing Differentiated Set
A differentiated set of worksheets to help students write a recipe for making fruit salad.
Cause & Effect: Connect (2)
Draw lines to match up cause and effect events.
sk- Activity Booklet
Fold the booklet and complete the activities all about sk- words.
Singular Possessive Nouns (2)
This worksheet supports the teaching of singular possessive nouns.
Comparatives & Superlatives Worksheet
This spelling worksheet focuses on the formation of comparatives and superlatives.
Cause & Effect: Match (1)
Cut and paste to match up each cause and effect (early years).
Blend Focus fr-
This worksheet focuses on the blend ‘fr’. Find, match and make fr- words.
Identifying Beginning Sounds 3
All but one picture in each set have the same beginning sound. Find the pictures that doesn’t belong.