Comparing Strategy Word Search
Find the compare and contrast words in the jumble.
CVC Mix Up: Vowel Mix 3
CVC words are mixed up. Cut and paste to put them back in order.
Short i Word Search
Find the CVC words in the letter jumble.
-ug Reading Booklet
A booklet to trace and read.
Main Idea & Details: Dogs
Read the passage about dogs and work out the main idea and supporting details.
Writing in Active Voice: Present Simple
Rewrite the present simple sentences in active voice.
CVC Puzzle Strips: ‘Short o’
Put jumbled CVC words back together. Cut and paste or laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Writing Direct Speech (1)
Fill in the speech bubble to match each picture and then write a sentence containing direct speech to match.
Brush Teeth: Ordering Steps
Cut and paste to put the steps in the correct order.
Creating Images: Rabbits
Read a passage about rabbits and try to build a visual image to match. Draw it!
st- Reading Booklet
A booklet to trace and read.
Letter Spin Wheel: Letter V
A spinning word wheel. Print on card and/or laminate for best results.