Digit Value: 3-Digit Numbers (3)
Work out the value of individual digits in 3-digit numbers.
Decimal Word Problems, Hundredths (2)
Word problems involving decimals (addition, subtraction, multiplication mix).
4-Digit Word Problems: Subtraction (5)
A set of 4-digit subtraction word problems.
Capacity: Labelled 100mL Increments (3)
Read the scale and record the capacity of each container.
Caterpillar Number Patterns (4)
Finish the counting patterns.
Giving Directions in Lake City
Use locations on the map to practise giving directions. A set of 4 worksheets.
Present Data: Weather (1)
Record the given results on an empty bar graph and then answer the questions (early years).
Counting Australian 10c Coins
Count collections of 10 cent coins.
Theme Park Timetable
Read the timetable for a class excursion to WonderWorld Park and answer the questions.
Blank Fraction Wall: Style 1 (Simple)
A blank fraction wall with separate bars showing halves, thirds, quarters, eighths and tenths.
Find Improper Fractions on Number Lines
Fill in the missing improper fractions on the number lines.
Addition Colour By Number: Bird
Solve the addition sums and then colour to complete the picture.