Weight Word Problems (3)
A set of word problems involving weight.
Clock Face (Colour)
A colour display of a clock face showing minutes.
Fraction Word Problems: Harder (5)
Word problems involving fractions targeting upper primary level.
Represent Proper Fractions (1)
Represent the given proper fractions in different ways.
Labelled Fraction Wall: Style 2 (Simple)
A fraction wall showing halves, thirds, quarters, eighths and tenths.
Describing Location, Cardinal Directions
Label the compass and describe the location of objects using the terms north, south, east and west.
Combination of Strategies (1)
Review and use mental strategies for addition and subtraction.
Write Digital & Analogue, 5-Min Intervals
Write the times on the digital and analogue clocks to match the times shown in words (times to 5-minute intervals).
Write Digital Times, O’clock & Half Past (1)
Write the times on the digital clocks to match the times shown on the analogue clocks (o’clock and half past times).
Money Word Problems: Dollars & Cents (3)
A set of money word problems (amounts include dollars and cents).
Multi-Step Problems, 1 & 2-Digit (3)
A set of 1 and 2-digit multi-step word problems.
Partitioning 3-Digit Numbers (1)
3-digit numbers have been represented using MAB blocks. Write the number and an equation to match the partitioning.