Adding & Subtracting Time, 5-Min Intervals
Read the times. Add or subtract the elapsed times and write the new times in analogue and digital (times to 5-minute intervals).
4-Digit Word Problems: Subtraction (1)
A set of 4-digit subtraction word problems.
Symmetry Boxes Set: Monsters
Use symmetry to complete the pictures of different monsters.
2-Digit Vertical Subtraction, No Borrowing (1)
A set of 2-digit vertical subtraction sums without borrowing.
Symmetrical Drawing: Owl
Use the grid to help complete the picture.
Introduction to Halving
A worksheet to help learners use doubles facts to find half of numbers.
Time Word Problems, 5-Min (1)
A set of elapsed time word problems (times to 5-minute intervals).
What’s the Finish Time? 1-Min Intervals (2)
Start times are given on analogue clocks. Add on the elapsed times to work out the finish times (times to 1-minute intervals).
Caterpillar Number Patterns (1)
Finish the simple counting patterns.
3-Digit Word Problems: Subtraction (5)
A set of 3-digit subtraction word problems.
3s Grid Maze
Find the secret path from start to finish by following the 3s counting pattern.
Order Animals by Height
Cut and paste the animals in order from shortest to tallest.