Pathos, Logos or Ethos? (2)
Show whether pathos, logos or ethos has been used in each example.
Comma or Full Stop? Rewrite (1)
The sentences are missing full stops or commas (or both). Rewrite each sentence correctly.
th- Activity Booklet
Fold the booklet and complete the activities all about th- words.
Proper Nouns Poster
A poster explaining proper nouns.
Persuade: Burgers or Pizza? (1)
Write to persuade others whether burgers or pizza is better (early years).
‘Think About It’ Comprehension
A level 2 reading passage and comprehension set.
CVC Words Vowel Focus: Short e/Short i
Trace the first and last letters, then add ‘e’ or ‘i’ to complete the words.
‘Superheroes’ Comprehension
A level 1 reading passage and comprehension set.
Narrative Features Definition Match
Match up each narrative element and language feature to its definition.
Spelling Activities Grid (5)
A spelling activity grid for the upper years. Choose from a range of activities to help learn spelling words.
Summarising Text: Sports
Read the passage about sports and work out the main idea.