Converting Between Minutes & Seconds
Solve the set of questions by converting between minutes and seconds.
Complete Fact Family Circles (1)
Arrange the given numbers correctly in the fact family triangles and then write out the matching equations.
Fill in the Multiplication Grid
Fill in the highlighted boxes on the multiplication grid (multiplication facts in order).
Reading a Sports Day Timetable
Answer the questions using information from the sports day timetable.
Months of the Year Quiz & Riddle
Use the clues to work out the months of the year and solve the riddle.
Teen Number Word Search
Consolidate learning of teen numbers with this teen numbers word search.
Selling Hot Dogs: Rich Task
A rich task involving money.
Partitioning Decimals: Shade In
Add decimals by shading.
Part Part Whole: Missing Whole (2)
The whole is missing in each part part whole model. Find them and write out the fact families.
Elapsed Time Using Timelines, 30-Min Intervals (1)
Start and end times have been given. Use the number lines to work out the elapsed times (times to 30-minute intervals).
Comparing 5-Digit Numbers
Use the ‘greater than’ and ‘less than’ symbols to compare 5-digit numbers.
Doubles +1 Sheet
A worksheet guiding learners to use the ‘doubles +1’ strategy.