Summarising Text: Sports
Read the passage about sports and work out the main idea.
Fact & Opinion Sort: First Fleet
Is it a fact or is it an opinion? Cut and paste to sort the fact from the opinion in this First Fleet themed worksheet.
Plan for Persuasive Language
A planning sheet to help students plan to use persuasive devices in their writing.
Information Report Structure Poster
A poster showing the structure of an information report.
Make CVC Words with Initial Sounds 2
Listen for the beginning sound in different words to help spell a CVC word.
Initial Sound Picture Find: Letter E
Find and colour the pictures that start with the letter E.
Spelling Cards Set: Digraphs
A set of 6 spelling task cards. Each card focuses on a different digraph.
Learning Adjectives
This worksheet supports students who are just beginning to learn about adjectives.
Digraph Focus wh-
This worksheet focuses on the blend ‘wh’. Find, match and make wh- words.
sh- ch- Words Study
This worksheet focusing on similar sounding letters/digraphs. Fill in the missing blends.
Change Indirect Speech to Direct
This worksheet helps students learn to write in direct speech. Change the sentences containing indirect speech to direct speech.