Complete the Symmetrical Shapes (3)
Use the symmetry line to complete the missing part of each shape.
6s Grid Maze
Find the secret path from start to finish by following the 6s counting pattern.
Adding Time, 30-Min Intervals
Read the start times. Add on the elapsed times and write the end times in analogue and digital (times to 30-minute intervals).
Problem Solving Poster Set
A set of posters showing the BUCKS process of solving word problems.
Complete Symmetrical Pictures (2)
Complete each of the symmetrical shapes.
Times Tables Focus Worksheet Set
A set of worksheets focused on the times tables 1x to 12x.
Design a Paddock: Rich Task
A rich task involving area and perimeter.
Multiplication Flash Cards
A set of multiplication flash cards (1x to 12x).
Mixed Division Race Set
Race to complete the divisions.
Measure Area of Irregular Shapes
Measure the dimensions of irregular shapes. Calculate the area of each.
Chance Spinner Experiment (1)
Conduct a chance experiment using a spinner and answer questions about likelihood.
Convert Fractions to Decimals: Hundredths
Convert the fractions to decimals.