Fact Family Circles, Blank, Set 8
A set of blank fact family triangles.
Dividing by 1-Digit Word Problems (2)
A set of word problems involving dividing larger numbers by 1-digit numbers.
Fractions of Collections: Naming
Name (symbols and words) the fractions shown by fraction models.
Representing 2-Digit Numbers (2)
Represent the given numbers in different ways.
Elapsed Time Using Timelines, 15-Min Intervals (1)
Start and end times have been given. Use the number lines to work out the elapsed times (times to 15-minute intervals).
Number Line Addition (2)
Use the number lines to ‘count on’ and solve the addition sums.
Multiplication Focus Set
A set of 9 worksheets. Each worksheet focuses on a different times table.
Building Houses with 1-digit Numbers
Match up representations of 1-digit numbers to ‘build’ houses!
City Map 2
A simple map to support the teaching of mapping, location and directional language.
9x Strategy (1)
Learn a strategy to solve 9x facts.
Combinations of Australian Coins Display
A set of posters showing common coin combinations.
x9 Tables Fact Families
Complete the fact family triangles and write the matching equations.