Find Mixed Numbers on Number Lines (1)
Fill in the missing mixed numbers on the number lines.
5s Grid Maze
Find the secret path from start to finish by following the 5s counting pattern.
Learn to Skip Count in 3s
Colour the pictures and count in 3s.
Read Analogue Scales: Mix of Scales (1)
Read each of the analogue scales and record the weight shown (kilograms and grams).
Multiplication Flash Cards
A set of multiplication flash cards (1x to 12x).
Capacity: Labelled 100mL Increments (1)
Read the scale and record the capacity of each container.
Represent Improper Fractions: Halves
Represent each given fraction in different ways.
Convert kg to g (Tenths)
Weights are given in kilograms. Convert them to grams (weights are to tenths).
Decimal Word Problems: Add & Sub, Tenths (2)
Word problems involving the addition and subtraction of decimals (to tenths).
What’s the Elapsed Time? 1-Min Intervals (1)
Read the start and finish times from analogue clocks and then calculate the elapsed time (times to 1-minute intervals).
Waterville Bus Timetable
Read the bus timetable to help answer the questions.
3s Grid Maze
Find the secret path from start to finish by following the 3s counting pattern.