Image Cluster Organiser
A summarising graphic organiser to help learners identify the main idea and organise their ideas.
Synonyms Word Search
Draw lines to match the synonyms and then find them all in the jumble.
Cut and Paste: oy Words
Cut and paste to match the words and the pictures.
Short a Words Cut and Paste
Cut and paste to match the CVC words to the correct pictures.
Visualise a Scene: Giraffe
Read a middle years passage and build a visual image to match. Draw it!
Editing Sentences: Basic Punctuation (2)
Edit each sentence for missing full stops, capitals and spelling mistakes. Rewrite each sentence correctly.
Rainforests Editing Passage
Edit a passage about rainforests. Use the checklist to help find the missing full stops, capitals, commas and spelling mistakes.
Initial Digraphs Worksheet
This spelling worksheet focuses on words with an initial digraph (ch, ph, sh, th, wh).
Plurals: Adding ‘es’ Worksheet
This spelling worksheet focuses on the spelling rule of adding ‘es’ to form plurals.
Animal Shelter Advert: Persuasive Devices
Analyse the ad for the animal shelter. What persuasive devices have been used?