Division Race Set (÷2 to ÷10)
A set of worksheets. Race to complete the division sums.
Earlier & Later, 15-Min Intervals
Add on the elapsed times and write the new times in digital (times to 15-minute intervals).
Balance Scales Match (2)
Show which objects are heavier by gluing them on the correct sides of the balance scales.
Capacity: Mixed Scales (3)
Read the scale and record the capacity of each container.
100 Board Sheet
A blank hundred board starting at 1.
Convert Between ml & L (4)
Record the volume of water in each container in millilitres and litres.
Interpret Data: Cakes (1)
Read and interpret the data from the pictograph to answer the questions (early and middle years).
Measure Angles in a Picture
Use a protractor to measure the angles in the picture.
Place 8 Game: 4-Digit Numbers
A game in which players use their knowledge of place value. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Area: Introduction to Formula (Imperial)
Use the formula Length x Width to calculate the area and then count the squares to check.
Combining 2D Shapes
Create composite shapes by combining the shapes within each set.
Shade the Fractions
Represent fractions on fraction models by shading.