Convert Fractions to Decimals: Hundredths
This activity helps students convert fractions to decimal form, focusing on hundredths. Designed for year 4 and 5 students.
Learning Objectives:
- Convert fractions to decimals with hundredths as the denominator.
- Understand the relationship between fractions and decimals.
- Strengthen skills in representing fractions as decimals.
How the Activity Works:
Students are provided with a list of fractions that have hundredths as the denominator (e.g., 25/100, 47/100) and are tasked with converting them to decimal form. For example, 25/100 becomes 0.25. Students complete the activity by converting each fraction to its decimal equivalent, reinforcing their understanding of place value and the connection between fractions and decimals. An answer sheet is included to allow students to check their work and practise their skills further.
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