Count Collections to $1, Aust. (2)

This activity focuses on counting collections of Australian coins to determine the total value. Students will practise identifying and adding together different coins, including 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, $1, and $2, to reach the total amount of $1.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognise and identify Australian coins.
- Count and add collections of coins.
- Develop an understanding of the value of different coins.
- Practise basic addition skills with money.
How the Activity Works:
Students are presented with collections of coins and asked to count and add them up to determine the total value, which should always add up to $1. They may encounter different combinations of coins, such as 50c + 50c, 20c + 20c + 20c + 20c + 20c, and so on. The activity helps students practise counting by 5s, 10s, 20s, 50s, and even $1.
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