Dividing by 1-Digit Word Problems (1)
A set of word problems involving dividing larger numbers by 1-digit numbers.
Capacity: Labelled 200mL Increments
Read the scale and record the capacity of each container.
Equivalent Fractions Student Reference Card
A reference card explaining equivalent fractions.
3-Digit Numbers: Digits, Words & MABs (4)
Represent 3-digit numbers in digits, words and MAB blocks.
Park Map
A simple map to use to support the teaching of mapping and directional and positional language.
Fraction Run Game
A board game in which players use their knowledge of fractions. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Identifying & Naming Angles
Match up each angle to its name and description.
Partition Decimals, Hundredths (2)
Partition the decimals and represent them on visual models.
Read Analogue Scales: Kilograms (1)
Read each of the analogue scales and record the weight shown (kilograms).
Reading a Thermometer 3 (Sub Zero)
Read and represent temperatures on thermometers (sub zero temperatures).
3s Counting Sequence Set
A set of three worksheets (forwards, backwards and mixed) focused on counting in 3s.