Representing 4-Digit Numbers (4)
Represent the 4-digit numbers in different ways.
Chance Spinner Experiment (1)
Conduct a chance experiment using a spinner and answer questions about likelihood.
Multiplication Flash Cards
A set of multiplication flash cards (1x to 12x).
Representing 3-Digit Numbers (3)
Represent the 3-digit numbers in different ways.
Decimal Patterns
Identify, continue and follow pattern rules involving decimal numbers.
Decimal Word Problems, Tenths (2)
Word problems involving tenths (addition, subtraction, multiplication mix).
Find Angles in a Picture (1)
Search the image for angles. Colour code them to show whether they are right angles, acute angles or obtuse angles.
Comparing Fractions with Pizzas!
Cut and paste to compare the size of pairs of fractions.
24 Hours Daily Activities Clock
A template to design a 24-hour clock. Fill in with daily activities and decorate to show your typical day!
2s Circle Maze
Follow the path by counting in 2s.
Start, Finish & Duration, 5-Min Intervals (1)
Answer questions about elapsed times to complete the table (times to 5-minute intervals).
Converting Between Days & Hours
Solve the set of questions by converting between days and hours.