Complementary Angles (2)
Use knowledge of complementary angles to work out the missing angles.
Digit Value: 3-Digit Numbers (1)
Work out the value of individual digits in 3-digit numbers.
Match Up Times, Quarter Past/To
Draw lines to connect the matching times (quarter past and quarter to times).
Making Odd & Even Numbers (2)
Make even and odd numbers using the digits provided.
Intro to Improper Fractions & Mixed Numbers
This worksheet helps learners make the connection between improper fractions and mixed numbers.
List Events by Units of Time
List events that would be most appropriately measure by: seconds, hours and minutes.
List Events: Possible & Impossible
Write events to match the terms ‘Possible’ and ‘Impossible’.
Weight Word Problems (1)
A set of word problems involving weight.
1-Digit Word Problems: Addition (2)
A set of 1-digit addition word problems.
Properties of 3D Shapes
Complete the table by naming and listing the features of 3D shapes.
Cardinal & Ordinal Points Compass Display
A display of a compass showing the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) and the ordinal directions (northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest).
Place 8 Game: 5-Digit Numbers
A game in which players use their knowledge of place value. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.