Abacus 4-Digit Numbers (3)
Represent 4-digit numbers using abacus models.
Partitioning Capacity (2)
Partition the capacity of the large containers to calculate the capacity of the smaller containers.
Adding Fractions: Pizzas
Add the (like) fractions of eaten pizza.
Giving Directions in Lake City
Use locations on the map to practise giving directions. A set of 4 worksheets.
1-Digit by 2-Digit Multiplication (1)
A set of 1-digit by 2-digit vertical multiplications.
Multiplication Word Problems (3)
A set of multiplication word problems using facts up to 12x12.
Intro to Adding Like Fractions
Use colours to help add the proper fractions.
100 Board Colour Display
A colourful hundred board starting at 1.
Temperature Forecast: Santiago
Read the 5-day forecast for the city of Santiago and answer questions.
4s Grid Maze
Find the secret path from start to finish by following the 4s counting pattern.
Place Decimals on Number Lines, Hundredths
Show the positions of the decimals (hundredths) on different number lines.
x7 Tables Fact Families
Complete the fact family triangles and write the matching equations.