Sports Store: Apply Discounts
Calculate and apply the discounts to work out the new prices of items in a sports store.
Representing Times, Half Past (1)
Read the times in words and represent them in analogue and digital forms (half past times).
Doubles Strategy Worksheet
A worksheet focusing on doubles and halving simple numbers.
2-Digit Numbers as Digits & Words
Represent the 2-digit numbers in digits and words.
Counting On with Dice
Use the ‘count on’ strategy to solve the addition sums.
Write Out Fact Families (2)
Use the completed part part whole models to write out the matching fact families.
Representing 2-Digit Numbers (1)
Represent the given numbers in different ways.
Decimal Word Problems, Tenths (1)
Word problems involving tenths (addition, subtraction, multiplication mix).
Comparing Fractions with Pizzas!
Cut and paste to compare the size of pairs of fractions.
1-Digit Word Problems: Addition (1)
A set of 1-digit addition word problems.
Time Match, Half Past
Cut and paste the matching times (half past times).
Complete Symmetrical Pictures (2)
Complete each of the symmetrical shapes.