Sequences with Decimals
Work with decimal number patterns to follow and identify pattern rules.
3D Shape Student Reference Card
A reference card showing the names of 3D shapes.
5s Circle Maze
Follow the path by counting in 5s.
Grow & Shrink Number Patterns (1)
Work out the pattern rule of each number sequence and complete the patterns.
Everyday Objects Match
Colour the object that matches the 2D shape in each set.
Reading a Bus Timetable
Answer the questions using information from the bus timetable.
Start, Finish & Duration, 30-Min Intervals (2)
Answer questions about elapsed times to complete the table (times to 30-minute intervals).
Intro to Adding Like Fractions
Use colours to help add the proper fractions.
3-Digit Word Problems: Addition (4)
A set of 3-digit addition word problems.
Partition Decimals & Link to Fractions (2)
Break decimals into parts, represent them in visual models and then convert to fractions.
Combining 2D Shapes
Create composite shapes by combining the shapes within each set.
Multiplication Word Problems (4)
A set of multiplication word problems using facts up to 12x12.