Making Analogue Clocks
A set of analogue clocks ready to print and assemble. A choice of three styles of minute/hour hands included. Laminate clock face and hands for best results. Use a split pin to fasten the hands to the clock face.
Isometric Dot Pages
Two pages of isometric dot patterns.
Converting Between Units of Time
Solve the set of questions by converting between different units of time.
5s Counting Sequence Set
A set of three worksheets (forwards, backwards and mixed) focused on counting in 5s.
Making Pizzas: Improper Fractions (1)
Draw to make the pizzas by adding the improper fractions.
Find Mixed Numbers on Number Lines (2)
Fill in the missing mixed numbers on the number lines.
Months of the Year Quiz & Riddle
Use the clues to work out the months of the year and solve the riddle.
x6 Tables Fact Families
Complete the fact family triangles and write the matching equations.
Roll & Add Activity
Roll two dice. Add the numbers and write the matching number sentence. Laminate for a longer lasting resource.
Rounding: Nearest 100
Round the numbers to the nearest 100.
Chance Spinner Experiment (1)
Conduct a chance experiment using a spinner and answer questions about likelihood.
Symmetry Boxes: Heart
Use symmetry to complete the picture of a love heart.