‘Frogs and Toads’ Grammar & Comprehension
A level 3 reading passage, comprehension and grammar set.
Say, Write: Vowel Mix 3
Write the CVC word that matches each picture.
Full Stop or Question Mark?
Each sentence is missing either a full stop or a question mark.
Add the correct punctuation.
Edit for Speech Marks (1)
Rewrite each sentence using speech marks to punctuate the direct speech. Add in capital letters and commas where they are needed.
Metaphor Poem Worksheet: ‘Our Class’
This worksheet focuses on metaphors. Read the poem and answer the questions.
Hyperbole Match
Choose from a word list to complete the hyperboles.
Bossy e Worksheet 1
This worksheet focuses on bossy e words. Find, spell and draw.
sh- Cut and Paste
Cut and paste to match the words and the pictures.
Comparing Kangaroos & Wallabies
Read the text and compare kangaroos and wallabies using a Venn diagram.
Flip Book: Verbs
Cut and staple to create a flip book all about verbs. Cut and paste to match each picture to the correct box.
Storyboard Graphic Organiser
This template helps learners map out a story by identifying all the key events.