Simple Cause & Effect Organiser
Show cause and effect relationships using this graphic organiser.
Creating Images: Playground
Read a short passage and try to build a visual image to match. Draw it!
Singular Possessive Nouns (1)
This worksheet supports the teaching of singular possessive nouns.
Folding Booklet: Nouns
A folding activity booklet all about nouns. Draw pictures or write to show how nouns can name people, places, animals and things.
Missing Prepositions (1)
Complete each sentence using the correct preposition.
Narrative Features Definition Match
Match up each narrative element and language feature to its definition.
Persuasive Lang. Vocab Cards
A set of word cards showing vocabulary often used in persuasive writing.
Long o Worksheet
This worksheet focuses on long o words. Find, spell and draw.
‘Tundras’ Grammar & Comprehension
A level 5 reading passage, comprehension and grammar set.