Alphabet Worksheet: Letter V
This worksheet focuses on the letter V. Trace, write, find words and draw.
Choosing Conjunctions (1)
Choose a conjunction to complete each sentence.
Initial Sound Picture Find: Letter C
Find and colour the pictures that start with the letter C.
CVC Build a Word: Short e/Short i
Spell words to match the pictures by joining up the letters.
Adverbs Word Search
Find the adverbs in the dinosaur themed word jumble.
Fairy Bread Recipe Jumble (Yrs 1,2)
The recipe is jumbled. Cut and paste to put it back in the correct order.
Fruit Salad: Procedure Jumble
The recipe is jumbled. Cut and paste to put it back in the correct order.
CVC Mix Up: Short o Words
CVC words are mixed up. Cut and paste to put them back in order.
Subject & Predicate Match (2)
Cut and paste to match each subject to a predicate. Draw a picture to match each.
Full Stops Between Sentences
Where does a sentence end? Add full stops between two sentences.