5s Circle Maze
Follow the path by counting in 5s.
Multiplication & Division Word Problems (1)
A set of multiplication and division word problems using facts up to 12x12.
Count Collections to $1, Aust. (2)
Count collections of coins to work out the totals.
Shading Equivalent Fractions
Work out equivalent fractions by shading fraction models.
Addition Colour By Number: Beach
Solve the addition sums and then colour to complete the picture.
Division Word Problems (5)
A set of division word problems using facts up to 12x12.
10s Counting Pattern Cards
Arrange the set of cards in the order of the 10s counting pattern. Self-checking images included. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Multiplication Colour by Number: Dancing
Solve the multiplication sums to find the colours to complete the picture.
Counting Back Change Cards
Learn to calculate change by the ‘count back’ strategy.
Decimal Word Problems: Multiply, Tenths (2)
Word problems involving the multiplication of decimals (to tenths).
Calculate Perimeter: Count (Irregular)
Find the perimeter of the irregular shapes by counting squares.
2D & 3D Shapes Word Jumble
Unjumble the letters to spell the names of 2D and 3D shapes and solve the riddle.