Converte Centimetres to Metres
Cut and paste to convert centimetre lengths to metre lengths.
Folding Booklet: Number 1
Fold into a booklet and complete the activities all about the number 1.
Longer or Shorter than 1m
Estimate whether the objects are longer or shorter than 1 metre.
Find Mixed Numbers on Number Lines (2)
Fill in the missing mixed numbers on the number lines.
Measure Angles in a Picture
Use a protractor to measure the angles in the picture.
Properties of 2D Shapes Sort
Cut and paste to match up 2D shapes with their names and features.
4-Digit Word Problems: Addition (1)
A set of 4-digit addition word problems.
Weight Word Problems (2)
A set of word problems involving weight.
Read Analogue Scales: Grams & Kilograms
Read each of the analogue scales and record the weight shown (grams and kilograms).
Drawing Lines of Symmetry (1)
Identify lines of symmetry and finish symmetrical shapes.
Place 8 Game: 4-Digit Numbers
A game in which players use their knowledge of place value. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Start, Finish & Duration, 1-Min Intervals (1)
Answer questions about elapsed times to complete the table (times to 1-minute intervals).