Different Views of 3D Objects (1)
Draw the front, side and top view of each 3D object.
Finding Symmetry Task Cards
A set of 18 cards. Draw in the line/s of symmetry on each. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Odd & Even Numbers
A worksheet focusing on identifying odd and even numbers.
Change from Menu, Dollars & Cents (1)
Use the menu to add amounts and calculate change. Prices in dollars and cents.
Multiplication Grid to 12x
A completed multiplication grid (to 12x12).
What’s the Number? 4-Digit
4-digit numbers have been partitioned. Add the parts together then write the number that was partitioned.
Pizza Fraction Models: Black & White
A set of black and white pizza fraction models.
0-99 Board Sheet Shaded
A hundred board with even numbers shaded in (starts at 0).
1-Digit Word Problems: Subtraction (5)
A set of 1-digit subtraction word problems.
Subtraction Race Game
A board game in which players use subtraction to move across the board. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Blank Fraction Wall: Style 1
A blank fraction wall with separate bars.
Complete Symmetrical Pictures (1)
Complete each of the symmetrical shapes.