Rhyming Couplets: Food (1)
Use the word bank to write rhyming couplets about food (early and middle years).
CVC Words Vowel Focus: Short e/Short o
Trace the first and last letters, then add ‘e’ or ‘o’ to complete the words.
Page Summary Graphic Organiser
A summarising organiser that guides learners to summarise each page in a text.
Final Blends (1) Word Sort
Sort the words under the focus headings (nt, nd, nk, mp, st).
Identify Rhyme Patterns
Identify the rhyming pattern of each poem.
-og Word Search
Find the CVC words in the letter jumble.
Compound Words Match Set 3
Match the words to make compound words. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Identifying Persuasive Language in Adverts (1)
Work out which persuasive language devices have been used in the advertisement.
-ag Word Family Cut and Paste
Cut and paste to match the CVC words to the correct pictures.
Milkshake: Recipe Writing Differentiated Set
A differentiated set of worksheets to help students write a recipe for making a milkshake.
Writing Independent Clauses: Complex Sentences (1)
Create complex sentences by adding an independent clause to each dependent clause.
Pizza: Procedure Jumble
The recipe is jumbled. Cut and paste to put it back in the correct order.