Addition Colour By Number: Flower
Solve the addition sums and then colour to complete the picture.
Multiply by Multiples of 10 Race Set
Race to complete the multiplications.
Place Value Riddle: 4-Digit Numbers
Read 4-digit numbers written in words to solve the riddle.
Making Colour Patterns
Colour the caterpillars to match the pattern types.
Division Word Problems (2)
A set of division word problems using facts up to 12x12.
Thermometer Reading (1)
Read the temperatures shown on the thermometers.
Ordering Length
Order the length of different objects.
Odd & Even Poster Set
Posters showing odd and even numbers.
What Am I? Shape Riddle
Write clues to help others guess your mystery shape.
Fractions Match: Cut & Paste
Cut and paste to match up the fractions.
Perimeter Word Problems (4)
A set of word problems involving perimeter.
2D Shapes Poster Set
A set of colourful posters showing the 2D shapes: circle, rectangle, square, triangle and oval.