Converting Between Hours & Minutes
Solve the set of questions by converting between hours and minutes.
Chance Spinner Experiment (2)
Conduct a chance experiment using a spinner and answer questions about likelihood.
3-Digit Vertical Addition, No Regroup (1)
A set of 3-digit vertical addition sums without regrouping.
Area Word Problems (4)
A set of word problems involving area.
100 Board Segments (1)
Use knowledge of a hundred board to fill in the shaded segments of different hundred boards.
Money Word Problems: Dollars & Cents (2)
A set of money word problems (amounts include dollars and cents).
Representing Times, Quarter Past/To (2)
Read the times in words and represent them in analogue and digital forms (quarter past and quarter to times).
Multiplication Fact Wheels Mixed Order
12 multiplication fact wheels to complete (multiplication facts jumbled).
Equivalent or Not?
Show whether the fraction pairs are equivalent or not equivalent. Shade the fraction models for help.
Collecting Data: In the Street
Use the picture to record data in a table and then answer questions about the data.
Division Spin Wheels Set
A set of division spin wheels. ÷1 to ÷12. Print on card and/or laminate for best results.
Fill in the Multiplication Grid: Mixed Order
Fill in the highlighted boxes on the multiplication grid (multiplication facts jumbled).