Represent a Proper Fraction: Blank Template
Choose a fraction to represent in different ways.
Robot Number Patterns
Follow and complete number sequences. Includes two worksheets.
Learn to Skip Count in 5s
Colour the pictures and count in 5s.
3D Shape Student Reference Card
A reference card showing the names of 3D shapes.
3x Strategy (1)
Learn a strategy to solve 3x facts.
Which is Heaviest?
Circle the heaviest object on each of the balance scales.
Convert Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions: Pizza
Colour pizza to help convert mixed numbers to improper fractions.
Making Analogue Clocks
A set of analogue clocks ready to print and assemble. A choice of three styles of minute/hour hands included. Laminate clock face and hands for best results. Use a split pin to fasten the hands to the clock face.
Representing 5-Digit Numbers (2)
Represent the 5-digit numbers in different ways.
Composite Shapes Colour In
Colour the basic shapes that can be combined to make each of the composite shapes.
4-Digit Word Problems: Addition (1)
A set of 4-digit addition word problems.
Multiplication Fact Wheels Ordered
12 multiplication fact wheels to complete (multiplication facts in order).