
Earlier & Later, 5-Min Intervals



An activity designed to help students calculate and write the new times after adding or subtracting elapsed times in 5-minute intervals. Designed for middle years students.

Learning Objectives:

  • Add or subtract elapsed times in 5-minute intervals to find earlier or later times.
  • Write the resulting times in digital format.
  • Strengthen skills in calculating time differences and representing times digitally.

How the Activity Works:

Students are given a start time and an instruction to add or subtract an elapsed time (e.g., 5 minutes, 10 minutes, etc.). They then calculate the new time and write it in digital format (e.g., 9:30 becomes 9:35 with a 5-minute addition or 9:30 becomes 9:25 with a 5-minute subtraction). This activity helps students practise adding and subtracting 5-minute intervals and reinforces their ability to represent times digitally.

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