Division Flash Cards
A set of multiplication flash cards (÷1 to ÷12).
Estimating Weights (1)
Estimate the weight of each of the given objects.
Place Value Robots: 2-Digit Numbers
2-digit numbers have been represented by MABs. Write down the numbers.
Fractions & Decimals, Hundredths (1)
Write and represent fractions and decimals.
Reading a Thermometer (2)
Read and represent temperatures on thermometers.
What Am I? Shape Riddle
Write clues to help others guess your mystery shape.
Naming 3D Shapes
Match up 3D shapes to their names.
Rainbow Facts Worksheet
Use rainbow facts to solve the sums.
2-Digit Word Problems: Addition (4)
A set of 2-digit addition word problems.
Symmetrical Drawing: Monster (1)
Use the grid to help complete the picture.
Making Pizzas: Improper Fractions (1)
Draw to make the pizzas by adding the improper fractions.
6s Grid Maze
Find the secret path from start to finish by following the 6s counting pattern.