List of Words by Syllable Count
A list of words grouped by their syllable count for reference or display.
Speech Bubble to Direct Speech (1)
Write (and punctuate) a sentence containing direct speech to match each of the given pictures.
sh- Reading Booklet
A booklet to trace and read.
5 Senses Organiser
This graphic organiser can be used for planning writing or analysing text.
‘Superheroes Interview’ Comprehension
A level 3 reading passage and comprehension set.
Pirates Editing Passage
Edit a passage about pirates. Use the checklist to help find the missing full stops, capitals and spelling mistakes.
Nouns, Verbs & Adjectives Word Search
A colour coded word search! Find the nouns, verbs and adjectives in the word jumble!
A & An in Sentences 1
When to use ‘a’ and when to use ‘an’. This worksheet supports the teaching of the indefinite articles ‘a’ and ‘an’.
Compound Words: Folding Booklet (2)
Create a folding booklet and combine words to form compound words.
i_e Worksheet
This worksheet focuses on i_e words. Find, spell and draw.
Letter to the Editor: Fact & Opinion
Read a short passage and identify the facts and the opinions.