bl- Cut and Paste
Cut and paste to match the words and the pictures.
Contractions (not, is, had & would) Worksheet
This spelling worksheet focuses on contractions using the words ‘not’, ‘is’, ‘had’ and ‘would’.
Choose the Correct Homophones (3)
Choose the correct homophones from the given pairs to complete the sentences.
‘The Speech’ Grammar & Comprehension
A level 5 reading passage, comprehension and grammar set.
br- Words Word Search
Find the br- words in the letter jumble.
‘Eggs that Hatch’ Comprehension
A level 1 reading passage and comprehension set.
Blend Focus sn-
This worksheet focuses on the blend ‘sn’. Find, match and make sn- words.
CVC Word Boxes: Vowel Mix 4
Use letter boxes to help write CVC words.
Common Long Vowels (1) Worksheet
This spelling worksheet focuses on the common long vowels (ai, ay, e, ea, ee, y).
ch- Activity Booklet
Fold the booklet and complete the activities all about ch- words.