Addition Colour By Number: Bird
Solve the addition sums and then colour to complete the picture.
Converting Between Days & Hours
Solve the set of questions by converting between days and hours.
2-Digit Vertical Subtraction, Borrowing (2)
A set of 2-digit vertical subtraction sums with borrowing.
Blank Multiplication Grid to 10x
A blank multiplication grid (to 10x10) to complete. Time learners for an added challenge.
Counting Like Coins (Aust.)
Count the number of each coin in the jumble and work of the totals.
Draw Analogue Times, Quarter Past/To (2)
Draw hands on the analogue clocks to match the digital times (quarter past and quarter to).
Build Your Own Town: Grid Coordinates
Build your own town and then use the grid coordinates to answer the questions.
Choose Units of Measure, Length (2)
Choose the most appropriate unit to measure the length of each object (middle and upper years).
Chance Match Up (2)
Cut and paste to match the chance statements to pictures (middle years).
Chance Spinner Experiment (1)
Conduct a chance experiment using a spinner and answer questions about likelihood.
Comparing 2-Digit Numbers (1)
Use the ‘greater than’ and ‘less than’ symbols to compare 2-digit numbers.
Making Pizzas: Improper Fractions (1)
Draw to make the pizzas by adding the improper fractions.