2-Digit Word Problems: Subtraction (1)
A set of 2-digit subtraction word problems.
Odd & Even Mystery Picture
Reveal the mystery picture with this odd and even colour by number.
Decimal Word Problems, Hundredths (1)
Word problems involving decimals (addition, subtraction, multiplication mix).
Intro to Adding Like Fractions
Use colours to help add the proper fractions.
Coco’s Circus Timetable
Read the timetable for Coco’s Circus to help answer the questions.
Pirate Map: Grid Coordinates
Use the grid coordinates to complete the pirate map.
Months of the Year Quiz & Riddle (Easier)
Use the clues to work out the months of the year and solve the riddle.
Cardinal & Ordinal Points Compass Display
A display of a compass showing the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) and the ordinal directions (northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest).
3-Digit Vertical Addition, Regroup (2)
A set of 3-digit vertical addition sums with regrouping.
Partition Decimals, Tenths (2)
Partition the decimals and represent them on visual models.
Multiplication Colour by Number: Car
Solve the multiplication sums to find the colours to complete the picture.
Naming Fractions
Write the name of each fraction in words.