Area Word Problems (1)
A set of word problems involving area.
Add Unlike Fractions
Convert the fractions so they have the same denominator and then add.
Circle Coins to Pay for Items, Aust. (1)
Circle the exact coins to pay for each item.
Learn to Skip Count in 10s
Colour the pictures and count in 10s.
Elapsed Time Using Timelines, 5-Min Intervals (2)
Start and end times have been given. Use the number lines to work out the elapsed times (times to 5-minute intervals).
Vertically Opposite Angles (1)
Use knowledge of vertically opposite angles to work out the missing angles.
Capacity: Labelled 100mL Increments (3)
Read the scale and record the capacity of each container.
Improper Fractions & Mixed Numbers Table
Represent the fractions in different ways to complete the table.
Combinations of Australian Coins Display
A set of posters showing common coin combinations.
10s Counting Sequence Set
A set of three worksheets (forwards, backwards and mixed) focused on counting in 10s.
4s Grid Maze
Find the secret path from start to finish by following the 4s counting pattern.
What’s the Finish Time? 5-Min Intervals (1)
Start times are given on analogue clocks. Add on the elapsed times to work out the finish times (times to 5-minute intervals).