Digit Value: 4-Digit Numbers (2)
Work out the value of individual digits in 4-digit numbers.
Representing 4-Digit Numbers (1)
Represent the 4-digit numbers in different ways.
Missing Addends (to 10)
Fill in the missing numbers to complete the equations. Totals equal 10.
Earlier & Later, 5-Min Intervals
Add on the elapsed times and write the new times in digital (times to 5-minute intervals).
Fraction Puzzle Match Up (Non-Unit Fractions)
Cut and paste to match the representations of non-unit fractions.
Interpret Data: Seeds
Read and interpret the data from the line graph to answer the questions.
2D Shapes Word Search
A word search to review 2D shapes and their properties.
Adding & Subtracting Like Fractions Problems (1)
Word problems involving adding and subtracting like fractions.
2-Digit Word Problems: Addition (3)
A set of 2-digit addition word problems.
Digit Value: 3-Digit Numbers (1)
Work out the value of individual digits in 3-digit numbers.
Fact Family Circles, Blank, Set 8
A set of blank fact family triangles.
Prime & Composite Numbers
Colour the prime numbers red. Colour the composite numbers blue. List the factors of different numbers.